I went over to Liverpool on Saturday to join in with the Urban Sketchers group run by Paul Gatenby. We met on Castle street -nice crowd of artists all keen to get sketching , the weather was perfect, dry with a little sun to create some shadows. We all dispersed with a call to meet back in the same place at 12.30. No sooner had I settled … ominous large drops of rain began to dapple the pavement, Watercolour sketches don’t fare all that well in the rain so I took cover eventually on the steps of a bank and sketched the curious spectacle of people queueing in the rain outside “Moose” coffee -they must be selling something really special! The rain just poured, and by 11.30 I couldn’t see another Urban sketcher sketching so decided to call it a day. Still I was quite pleased with my sketches and hope there will be another chance to join in…. weather permitting!

Hi Graham, The sketches look great – (feel free to post on our Facebook page) and thanks for giving us some publicity on your site.
The next meeting is Sept 5 outside the Philharmonic Hall at 10.30